threaten survival

美 [ˈθretn sərˈvaɪvl]英 [ˈθretn səˈvaɪvl]
  • 威胁到生存
threaten survivalthreaten survival
  1. Various operating risks directly threaten survival and development of the enterprises .


  2. And they feel that unknown dangers in the business world threaten the survival of their business .


  3. However , there are some alien species that threaten the survival of native species .


  4. Thus those banks are likely to face greater liquidity crisis that threaten the survival of banks .


  5. Environmental problems threaten human survival and develop ; on the other hand , environmental labefaction restricts economic increase .


  6. Obtaining and using energy excessively will cause energy shortages , environmental pollutions and climate change that threaten human survival and development .


  7. As the development of the population year by year , foods shortage is the principal question that threaten the survival of humans .


  8. This was aimed at avoiding " further market distortions " that could threaten the survival of some hedge funds .


  9. The deterioration of ecological environment threaten human survival and development , it also forced the people began to ideas and methods of solving ecological environment problems .


  10. In the fierce market competition , some companies inevitably will be involved in financial crises , or even to threaten the survival of enterprises .


  11. With economic development , people on the natural consequences of environmental damage gradually revealed , human society has been damage to the natural environment threaten human survival and development .


  12. Instead , this law will only serve to threaten the survival of small manufacturers , and punish their law abiding , hard working consumers .


  13. The global environmental problems not only impair human health obviously , but also threaten the survival and development of all mankind , and hinder the sustainable development of economy .


  14. However , human activities have caused unprecedented impact and destruction on forest ecosystem , some destruction has reached an irreversible point , even threaten the survival of mankind .


  15. Olmert has become the subject of a police investigation on reported corruption charges , a development that could threaten the survival of his centrist coalition government .


  16. Plants are constantly confronted with a number of abiotic stresses , such as drought , salinity and extreme temperatures , which threaten their survival .


  17. CO2 as the main greenhouse gas , increasingly affecting the changes in global climate and ecological environment , and threaten the survival environment of human , also take troubles to the social economic development .


  18. Consequently , many populations of birds restored to various locations by humans have lost the ability to migrate & or they follow perilous routes that threaten their survival .


  19. People are facing a lot of serious environmental problems such as global warming , ozone layer breakage , human resources drying up , atmosphere and water pollution etc * All of these threaten mankind survival .


  20. These blunders , and the inadequate repair work of the past two years , now threaten the survival of a monetary union whose original design was flawed . Few governments can escape blame .


  21. Of eight traditionally classified subspecies of the tiger Panthera tigris three have recently gone extinct and poaching , habitat loss and fragmentation continue to threaten its survival .


  22. Soil erosion is one of the important environmental issues which threaten human survival and development . It is affected by many factors on multi-scale such as topography , rainfall , soil , vegetation , human activities and so on .


  23. But a large number of industrial wastes , toxic substances , gas emissions , over-exploitation of resources and waste , causing global ecological degradation of the environment and will further threaten the survival of mankind itself .


  24. With the global climate disasters happen frequently , the seriousness of the problem of climate change issue can not be ignored , and even has begun to threaten the survival and development of the future of humanity .


  25. It also threaten the survival of human beings the normal operation of the city depends on the coordination interaction of each part , and parts of the city depends on each other , each part associates coupling of superposition .


  26. With the development of society , economics , and culture , the old commercial district has developed problems of incomplete function , improper structure , destroyed feature , and vanishing of vitality , which has already threaten its survival and development .


  27. In order to improve their economy , the activities of grazing , herb collection , fuel wood collection and hunting became more frequently , which will lead to the habitat degradation and threaten the survival of panda and other rare animals .


  28. Wastes cause pollution and other serious environmental problems that threaten the survival and development of human beings and other organisms . Therefore when we manage wastes pollution cost , profits is just one part of the objectives , we should also consider environmental impactions and other social impactions .


  29. could threaten the long-term survival of the species in Myanmar .


  30. Terrorism is the production of the modern society , which causes huge threaten to the survival and development of the human being .
